At Core Link Wellness Centre in Burlington we offer osteopathic treatments. Osteopathy is a hands on gentle approach used to identify structural changes and rhythms in the body. It treats movement restrictions in your body tissues.
Osteopathy is a gentle manual therapy that restores function to the body. This occurs by treating its structures using light touch. It is safe, effective, distinctive and complete system of health care. Through gentle manual treatment, osteopathic techniques assess, treat and integrate all the tissues and joints of the body to restore the relationships that occur between them. Osteopathy aims to relieve pain, improve mobility and restore health.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners use their palpatory skill to identify areas of the body that are restricted (not moving normally) or constricted (strangled or squeezed). These areas can be in any of these systems:
· musculoskeletal · respiratory · cardiovascular · digestive · reproductive · nervous
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners identify and then gently ease the restrictions or constrictions so the body can function normally again.
Manual osteopathy is based on 4 basic principles:
1. Each structure in the body supports the body’s functions. If a structure is damaged, out of place, or otherwise not working properly, the body will not function at its best.
2. The natural flow of the body’s fluids – lymphatic, vascular, and neurological – must be preserved and maintained.
3. The human body is the sum of its parts. Its physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive systems don’t work independently -they work in harmony.
4. When the body has no restrictions, it has the inherent ability to heal itself. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners recognize that a patient is an integrated whole. When all the body’s components are in balance, a person is complete and in total health.
What are the benefits of Osteopathic Treatments?Removes the underlying cause of pain
- Reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints
- Increases range if motion in joints
- Treats spinal problems resulting from poor posture or spinal disc injuries.
Relieves chronic pain through non-invasive treatment
- Decreases the stress on joints
- Reduces tension in the body
- Relieves tension headaches and migrane headaches.
Helps the body to adapt to hormonal and structural changes during pregnancy
Reduces scars and adhesions
Treats trauma resulting form accidents
- Sports injuries
- Motor vehicle injuries
Encourages the body to heal itself
- Increases circulation
- Reduces blood pressure
·Circulation Problems Migraines
·Jaw Pain Overuse Injuries
·Back Pain Headaches
·Sinus Pain Gynaecological Problems
·Sciatica Fibromyalgia
·Chronic ear Infections Anxiety
·Paediatric Issues Irritable Bowel
·Respiratory Problems
·Emotional Distress
·Sports and non sport related injuries
Visceral Mobilization – Gentle mobilization of the organs of the body.
Osteoarticular Corrections – Gentle realignment of the bones
Myofascial Release- restoring normalcy in the muscles and surrounding tissue
Muscle Energy – Creation of muscle relaxation through muscle contraction
Strain Counterstrain – method of relaxing and re-positioning joints
What Happens on Your First Visit?
On your first visit an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner conducts a thorough health survey listening to the chief complaint, any health issues and other medical interventions received throughout the patient’s life.
An Osteopathic Manual Practitioner will then conduct a physical examination ruling out any major health concerns and ensuring a safe treatment can be provided. The practitioner assesses all systems and structures that may be related to the area of complaint. Loose clothing like shorts and a t-shirt are best for the assessment to be carried out.
Once the health history and examination are complete a plan is implemented.
Treatments are administered once every one or two weeks. This allows the body to adapt to treatment.