“Immune system suppressors”
- Aging
- Airplane travel
- Allergies
- Chemicals
- Chemotherapy and radiation
- Drugs (recreational and therapeutic)
- Emotional extremes and stress
- Excess Iron
- Overeating
- Infections
- Lack of sleep
- Malnutrition
- Surgery
“Immune system supporters”
- Proper digestion
- Allergies, infections and fever (initially activating)
- Amino acids from protein
- Breathing deeply for best Oxygen exchange
- Chemical free diet and environment
- Exercise like yoga
- Fasting
- Pure water
- Hand washing
- Herbs; garlic, licorice, Echinacea, goldenseal, ginseng
- Vitamins and minerals; A, B6, B12, C, E, Se, Zn etc…
- Love
- Laughter
- Low fat and low sugar diet
- Meditation and relaxation
- Positive thinking
- Elimination and rotation diet
- Wholesome foods
References: Haas, E. Staying Healthy with Nutrition. The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. New York. Celestial Arts; 2006