Benefits of Massage Therapy for Breast Cancer

By Erin Rothenburger

Massage Therapy can be very beneficial in the treatment of a variety of issues that may arise as a result of procedures and treatments (ie: biopsy, partial or full mastectomy) for breast cancer.  The shoulder, arm, chest, rib cage, neck, and even the breast can be treated directly using a variety of different hands on techniques.  Shoulder and neck mobility, muscle function, tissue mobility and health, lymphatic drainage, and circulation can all be addressed with the use of massage.

Mobility and Function: Mobility and ease of movement can become limited in the neck, shoulder girdle, rib cage and arm.  Scar tissue can cause pulling, puckering and adherence of underlying structures.  Massage therapy can work directly to prevent and reduced these restrictions in order to lessen pain and improve appearance and function.  Frozen Shoulder (an adherence of the capsular joint of the shoulder which can significantly limit range of motion in the shoulder and arm) can also be detected and treated with the use of massage therapy.

Stress and Relaxation: Massage therapy can be very beneficial in calming the nervous system, reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation, leading to an overall state of wellbeing.

Nerve Compression Syndromes: (commonly Thoracic Outlet Syndrome) As a result of tissue restriction, postural changes, or swelling/ congestion in the tissue, the plexus of nerves and blood vessels arising from the neck and shoulder may become compressed, resulting in symptoms that can extend all the way down the arm.  These symptoms may include pins and needles, numbness, burning pain, hot/cold changes, nagging pain or throbbing.  By reducing these restrictions and addressing postural or body alignment changes, the compression can be reduced or eliminated.

Lymphatics and Circulation: Lymphatic drainage and circulation can become blocked affecting especially the breast and arm.  These blockages can cause a loss in tissue health, swelling, discomfort and pain.  There are many lymph nodes located in area of the breast and axilla (armpit).  If lymph nodes have been removed, it makes it much more difficult for this draining and circulation to occur on its own.  Massage therapy can assist with this process.

Pain and Soreness: As a result of scar tissue and restrictions, muscle tension and functional compensation, as well as nerve and circulatory compression and drainage problems, pain and soreness can persist.  By addressing these issues, then the pain and soreness can be greatly reduced.

Massage Therapy is a regulated health profession.  Many extended health benefit plans cover massage therapy treatment.