Strawberry Delight

Here’s what you need:
  •   2 cups organic whipping cream
  •   1/4 cup maple syrup
  •   1 cup fresh washed organic strawberries, hulls removed and mashed
  •   4 oz organic cream cheese, softened


1. Whip Cream. As the cream begins to thicken, add in cream cheese and maple syrup. Continue to beat until stiff

2. Fold in mashed berries

3. Pour into glass dessert dishes or martini glasses. Refrigerate a couple of hours. Garnish with fresh berries.



My goodbye to the most professional integrated wellness clinic: My experience at Core Link Wellness Centre

By Caroline Gimbert (Office and Marketing Administrator)

My name is Caroline and if you visited Core Link over the last year we’ve probably already met or talked over the phone: I am one of the 3 receptionists here and I have also been responsible for promoting the centre and it was such a great adventure that is unfortunately ending soon…

Goodbye and thank-you!

First I wanted to thank Payam Kiani for introducing me to the clinic and Steve Nagy for actually hiring me and giving me the opportunity of marketing for his clinic. This past year has been extremely busy with a new website, a new monthly newsletter, an updated Facebook page, some great workshops and events to organize and some new services and practitioners to involve in the clinic. I feel extremely grateful for having been part of these projects, but what I enjoyed most was the customer service part of my work. At Core Link, we are so grateful to have you as clients and we hope you feel well taken care of when you call, email or visit us! I was also honored to work with the best practitioners: a team of highly skilled professionals aiming to provide the most integrated quality care. Quality care that, I have experienced myself.

As some of you might know, I am now leaving for another important personal project: giving birth to my second child, due at the end of the month. I am really excited about it but also really sad to leave this amazing team.

Core Link Wellness Centre: The most professional integrated care

I would like to share a small part of my pregnancy with you and my experience with the integrated care offered at the clinic. I am 34 weeks pregnant and my last ultrasound revealed that my baby was in a breech position. For me, who wanted the smoothest and most natural birth, it was a shock at first. Although I know C-section can happen anytime during labor for a variety of reasons, it reminded me that I may have to consider that option more seriously. I talked to my midwives and realized that the baby still had time to move and there were some gentle approaches to try to help this process. I am actually in the perfect environment to get help and now I have an action plan. All the disciplines we offer at the clinic can help us prepare for the gentlest birth: osteopathic treatments, reflexology sessions, massage, acupuncture, naturopathic and chiropractic care. Now I am not scared anymore, I feel confident and empowered that I will be able to offer my child the best birth I (we) can…

And don’t ask whether it’s a boy or a girl, we don’t know yet! But we’ll keep you posted!


Pineapple Mint Smoothie

Pineapple Mint Smoothie

1-2 pieces of pineapple
6 mint leaves
Handfull of arugula or spinach or any green (darker the better)
2 tbsp flax seeds
1 cup almond milk (or other milk)
1/3 cup mango juice
Vanilla protein powder (whey, soy, rice, hemp any works)
Blend all ingredients together. Thin out consistency with water if necessary.

“Ouch! My shoulder!”

By Erin Rothenburger – RMT

As a massage therapist, I have seen many people requiring treatment for shoulder pain. Often, the complaint is of the rotator cuff, but this in only one of many problems that can occur in the shoulder. Some of the most common problems can include poor posture, which occurs frequently in those who work in an office environment; the patient’s shoulders are rounded forward from slumping over a desk or steering wheel. Pain can also occur when muscles and joints are overused through repetitive over-lifting; from accumulative, repetitive movements often found most in jobs requiring the same motions over a long period of time, such as manual factory labour or sports practice, or conversely in lack of activity in that area. Impact injuries that can occur in the home (such as a fall), or in sports (such as being checked into the boards during a game) can also affect the shoulder causing pain and discomfort in the muscles and joints there. Many different pain syndromes and dysfunctions can occur involving the shoulder girdle. Direct impact injury, overuse, and strain are most common, but postural and mechanical imbalances may also contribute; even neck and upper thorax problems may refer pain into the shoulder.

The following issues are the most common issues I deal with in my day to day treatments:

Rotator Cuff Strain: The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that provide stabilization of the very mobile ball and socket joint of the shoulder; they also function to rotate the arm. Most commonly, it is the Supraspinatus muscle that is involved with n injury, but the other muscles can also be injured.

Bursitis:  The Bursa is a small, flat sac of synovial fluid located in the shoulder that is designed to reduce friction irritation with movement and function. This bursa may become irritated with excessive, repetitive overuse or with direct trauma such as sports related injuries like getting checked into the boards during a hockey game. Movement, stretch, or contact pressure (such as with lying on the affected side) can be very painful. The pain is often nagging and constant.

Biceps Tenosynovitis: The biceps long tendon has a synovial sheath that the long tendon glides within. Problems can occur with overused of the tendon itself, or of irritation of the sheath around the tendon. Pain is located at the front of the shoulder and the upper arm.

Impingement Syndrome: The Supraspinatus, biceps long tendon, and/or the bursa can all become impinged under a bony arch in the shoulder causing pain and difficulty when raising the arm up. Pain is at the top and front of the shoulder, varying depending on which structure is involved.

Adhesive Capsulitis: The capsule of the shoulder joint normally allows a wide range of mobility, but if there has been an injury or irritation to structures of the shoulder, the capsule may become inflames, adhered, and significantly restricted. Pain typically occurs at the end of the range of motion, or while lying on the affected side. Mobility will be limited with this issue.

For an image relating to the shoulder and shoulder muscles, click here.

Check with your health care professional for differential assessment and treatment options. A Massage therapist can help determine what the dysfunction is and provide appropriate treatment to relieve pain and improve mobility, helping you to return to activities of daily life, recreation, and work.

Healthy Granola Balls

Healthy Granola Balls

By Dr Kelly McGuire ND

This is a wonderful way to get some healthy fats and fiber added into the whole family’s diet!
2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup dried coconut
1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup dried blueberries
1/3 cup raw honey
1 cup almond butter (or other nut butter)
1 tbsp cinnamon
2 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tbsp flax seeds
1 tbsp vanilla
Combine all dry ingredients, then mix in wet ingredients, Moisten hands with water and form golf ball sized balls. Place in freezer for 20 minutes to set. Makes about 40 balls!  Enjoy!

Gardening – How It Affects Our Body

By Michelle Witterick (Look for her at the reception on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)

It’s spring and the lure of getting back in the garden is irresistible.

Invigorated by all that balmy fresh air, you spend the first sunny day digging, planting, lifting and hauling.  The next morning, you pay.  Your thighs quiver.  Your back tightens with every step.

Let your legs and arms do the work instead of your back when you take on those gardening activities.  If you take the necessary precautions, aches and pains and serious injury can be avoided.

Other good safety tips include:

  • Before doing anything – take a walk around your yard a few times to loosen up.
  • Be cautious about the amount of strain placed on your lower back.  When lifting dirt and debris, let your arms, legs and thighs carry the load.
  • When weeding or planting, sit on the ground or kneel on a foam pad.
  • Do easier tasks first, change periodically to avoid overusing one muscle group.  You should also alternate difficult tasks with less taxing ones.
  • Switch hands frequently when doing prolonged raking, hoeing or digging.  Repetitive motion on one side can bring on low back pain and shoulder spasms.
  • Carry on manageable loads.  If a load is too heavy, get help or divide it into smaller loads.
  • Hold or carry objects close to your body, so as to not risk straining your neck and lower back.
  • Don’t stay in the sun for prolonged periods without protection .  Take frequent breaks.

Naturopathic Open House May 9th from 6pm-8pm

We are having an Open House to celebrate Naturopathic Medicine Week and we would like you to bring a friend!
If you are an existing patient, bring a friend and receive $30 off the cost of your next naturopathic visit.
May 9th from 6pm-8pm
Can a Naturopathic Doctor Help You?
With Payam Kiani, ND and Kelly McGuire, ND
Informative health sessions, demos, and light healthy refreshments.
No cost or registration required, just stop by!  

New Pfilates Workshops at Core Link Wellness Centre

By Kathleen Simpson, Pilates Instructor



Pfilates is a program of neuromuscular conditioning based on extensive EMG recordings taken from the pelvic floor. Pfilates was created by an American Urogynecologist to provide a method of  pelvic floor fitness training accessible to a broad population. Certification of Instructors began in 2010 all over the world.

Pelvic floor disorders are absolutely epidemic. Stress, urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, female sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, and fecal incontinence are so commonplace they are often regarded as the inevitable consequences of childbirth and aging. When these conditions are treated they are too often regarded as purely mechanical disorders requiring a surgical solution. Although trained as a surgeon Dr Crawford have come to regard these disorders as principally neuromuscular disorders deserving of a neuromuscular solution. PILATES true nature is to redefine our neuromuscular pathways so we move our muscles the way they were made to be moved.

The Pfilates program provides a movement oriented method of pelvic floor exercise that could be incorporated in to any regular fitness routine once you learn how to do the movements correctly. Neuromuscular research reveals that movements which engage the external hip rotators, adductors of the thigh, transverses abdominals,(Pilates) and gluteal muscles also facilitate, or induce, a pelvic floor contraction.

The Pfilates program is a simple program consisting of ten movements presented in the same order in three different phases (beginning, intermediate, and advanced). Each of the Pfilates movements includes a series of repetitions followed by a hold phase and a pulse phase at the point of peak engagement of the pelvic floor. As such these movements encourage the development of the three essential elements of neuromuscular performance: strength, endurance, and coordination..

Pfilates is intended to be preventative but also a therapeutic alternative for those already experiencing symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. For patients that have already has surgery Pfilates can help protect the investment and reduce the chance for recurrent symptoms.

2 Workshops  ($45 each) are scheduled on :

Monday May 13th           1 pm – 3:30 pm

Wednesday May 15th      7 pm – 9:30 pm

The workshops will include:

  • Statistical and anatomy information,
  • Information regarding bladder incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, prostate issues (for men).
  • You will be assisted in finding your own muscles in your pelvic floor.
  • You will be taught all 10 exercises in the program.

TO SIGN UP NOW CALL 905 592 0095



Spring Detoxification

By Dr Kelly McGuire

Detoxification is a hot topic at this time of year. Fall and spring during the change of season are wonderful times to reflect on our habits and routines, and make goals to change bad ones and aspire to healthier ones. Although our organs of detoxification; (see below) are constantly working to try and balance our body, sometimes they get overwhelmed by toxic exposure or become sluggish due to nutritional deficiency.

Organs of Detoxification

GI tract (liver, gallbladder, colon) Urinary tract (kidney, bladder and urethra)

Respiratory tract (lungs, bronchial tubes, throat sinuses and nose)

Lymphatic system (channels and nodes)

Skin (sweat and sebaceous glands and tear ducts)


I’d like to take this opportunity to address some common concerns and questions that come up regarding the topic of detoxification.

How do I know what type of detoxification product to buy?

The truth is, sometimes no products are needed. Since our body already knows how to detoxify, sometimes it is a matter of simply removing the things that generally build up in our systems and lead us to become more toxic. For example, avoiding a food allergy to milk would be a perfectly good detox for a person who reacts to this food. Working with a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist who can help you identify food allergens would be one way to detoxify without using products. Also using techniques like sauna, exercise or changing the diet to focus on increased intake of organic fruits and vegetables for a few days can also lead to a gentle detox without the use of products.

On the other hand, there are instances where well designed products with therapeutic doses of specific substances can be used to compliment or enhance a detox. This is when working with a professional becomes important to ensure you do not waste your money or time on the thousands of products marketed for detox. An example of this would be a tea that only addresses the purging of the bowel and neglects to support any other organs or systems. This can result in becoming dehydrated, or worse, dependant on the use of laxatives to have a normal bowel movement. Having a professional help you decide which products to use will ensure a comprehensive and individualized approach to detoxification.

My friend did a detox and felt great, why do I feel so crummy?

The concept of biochemical individuality is extremely important when considering what type of detox to do. While some people have excellent bowel function and go to the bathroom more than 2 times per day, others struggle with this elimination pathway and may in fact do more damage if they detoxify one system of their body without making sure that the others are in balance. This is just one example. What medications you are on and how long you have been on them can also affect specific organ systems like the kidneys or liver over others. This plays a role in what would be appropriate for you. Talking with your doctor about your health history is a key part of designing an individualized protocol that will ease your body through the process and avoid negative side effects as much as possible. Of course some negative effects are to be expected like the headache that comes along with caffeine withdrawal or the tummy rumbles that come along with sugar cravings while your body initially adjusts.

Are colonics safe and effective for detox?

Colonics are a form of hydrotherapy, like an enema, that flush out the bowels to aid in detoxification. While this practice can be safe and effective when performed by a trained practitioner with sterile equipment it doesn’t come without risk. There is always a risk of infection from improper equipment, perforation of the bowel, chemistry disturbances due to absorbing excess water, and caution needs to be used in those with gastrointestinal disorders, tumors, hemorrhoids or heart and kidney disease. Often times it is a matter of being properly prepared for the colonic to make it the most effective and safe. It is best to be supervised by a physician like your MD or ND if you have any concerns regarding this treatment approach.

I can’t do this alone; can my whole family do a detox?

Yes! It is important to have moral support and the whole family on board when making comprehensive changes, especially to the diet. Often asking a spouse to participate or making small changes to everyone’s diet is a great way to adopt healthier habits as a family. Making smoothies in the spring and experimenting with different combinations of fruits and vegetables is a great example. This not only goes for diet but teaching the family about how to decrease exposures to things like cleaning products, beauty products and environmental toxins can go a long way in cultivating a healthy family. Caution should be used with young children and for pregnant and lactating women as this is not the most appropriate stage in life to do a detox. This is a time of building (tonifying) or maintaining balance.

Try this recipe at your next family dinner as a rejuvenating vegetarian feast that will benefit everyone’s body. Add it to the weekly rotation of healthy meal choices.

Cleansing Kichadi

½ cup brown basmati rice¼ cup whole mung beans (or lentils)

1 ½ tsp cumin seeds

2 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)

3 bay leaves

1 ½ cups coriander seeds

½ tsp turmeric

1 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp sea salt

2” piece of kombu (seaweed for cooking broth)

1-2 tsp fresh ginger root grated

3 cups water

2 cups fresh vegetables (go for seasonal and organic if possible – like; carrots, zucchini, celery, kale, collard greens, chard, cabbage, summer squash etc.)

Soak mung beans for 12-24 hours with one change of water for ease of digestion.

Rinse the soaked beans together with the rice until water is clear

Grind the cumin and coriander (with grinder or motor and pestle)

Warm ghee in a medium saucepan and add the freshly ground spices, bay leaves, and oregano. Sauté until aromatic but not burnt. Stir in turmeric, ginger, rice, and mung, add water and kombu…

Simmer covered over low heat until beans and rice are soft (about 30 minutes)

Meanwhile wash and dice all your vegetables.

Add salt to the dish together with the vegetables before all the water has been absorbed by the beans and rice. Do not stir and cook undisturbed until completely tender (about 20-30 more minutes)

Stir thoroughly and serve warm.

These are just some of the common questions I get from patients regarding detoxification. Bottom line is that you want to have a protocol designed specifically for your individual needs. It is also important to consider the safety and therapeutic value in products marketed for detox. If you have more questions seek the help of a professional.

What’s an Osteopath?

by Jason Brandow, DOMP

You’re having a great visit with a co-worker, a family member, or a close friend, when they say “Oh, you should see an Osteopath.” Of course you reply by saying, “What’s an Osteopath?” If I had a dollar for every time I have been asked “What is Osteopathy” I would be a millionaire. I find that no matter how I try and describe how I treat my patients, the next question is ALWAYS

“What is the difference between Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic?”

There are many similarities between these therapeutic practices, but there are a few marked differences that really set each one apart. Here is a quick explanation of each.

Physiotherapy specializes in the rehabilitation of both acute and chronic joint injury, using a wide variety of stretches and strengthening exercises that the patient does in clinic and at home. Physios often use ultrasound or laser therapy machines to aid in tissue recovery. Some physios use hands on treatments for soft tissue injuries, but most rely exclusively on exercise prescription. Sessions are usually 30 minutes.

Chiropractic is one of the most well known forms of hands on therapy here in Ontario. The foundation of chiropractic lies in spinal manipulation to normalize vertebral position and free pressures on underlying nerve roots. Some Chiropractors prescribe home exercise and stretching programs, or work with a physio to complement the adjustments. Sessions are usually 15 minutes.

Osteopathy is the newest form of hands on therapy in Ontario, but it is actually the oldest of the three, beginning in the late 1800’s. Osteopathy uses a balanced mix of soft tissue techniques and gentle spinal realignments to treat the patient. Osteopathy is known for being the most holistic form of hands on therapy, meaning that we look over the whole body to find patterns and pulls away from the painful area. Osteopathy is used to treat infant issues such as colic, digestion issues, and cranial bone malformation. This specialization in cranial anatomy also allows us to treat all kinds of adult conditions related to the eyes, ears, sinuses, and jaw as well. An Osteopathic treatment is typically booked for 1 hour.

I hope this helps to clarify the difference between these three common therapies. For more information please feel free to contact us here at Core Link Wellness.